Where Am I Now
Lost this afternoon in the twists and crevices of my computer, I found twenty questions I had asked myself 10 and 20 years ago. I can’t remember where the questions came from, or why I happened to answer them twice. But I loved inhabiting the ghost of my spirit and reading the changes. I invite you to sit in a quiet, wild place, and ask yourself
My greatest strengths
Strengths others notice in me
What I most enjoy doing
Qualities that I most admire in others
A person who made a positive impact on my life
Happiest moments of my life
With unlimited time and resources, I would
When I daydream
The four most important things to me
Activities of greatest worth in
My work life
My other life
What I can do best that would be of worth to others
Talents that others don’t know about
Things I really feel I should do
The most important roles in my life
The most important lifetime goals in each role
In 5 years
I would really like to be
The most important goal I will use to guide and motivate my actions